Motor Vehicle Accidents

Medical and Hospital Malpractice

Slip, Trip and Fall Accidents

Wrongful Death and Survival Suites

Product Liability and Machine Accidents

Fire and Explosion Cases

Trucking Related Accidents

Motorcycle and Bicycle Accidents

Chemical and Toxic Injuries

Injury Suits Against the Federal, State

and Local Governments

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…..motor vehicle collisions whether involving slightly more than minimal impact or extensive physical damage to the vehicles involved must be handled properly…………
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….If you or a loved one believe that you have sustained damage as a result of improper medical care, you should immediately consult with an attorney…….
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……If you have suffered an injury due to a slip, trip or fall you should consult with a personal injury attorney concerning that event…….
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….Perhaps, nothing in life arises to the level of losing a loved one though an accident or through the negligence of someone else’s actions…….
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….For over 33 years John R. Vivian, Jr., has represented victims involved in machinery accidents, product liability vehicle based accidents, and consumer product liability actions…….
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…..John R. Vivian, Jr., has represented victims as a result of chemical explosions, carbon monoxide poisoning, house fires, and commercial fires over his 33 years of practice…….
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…The attorney you select to handle any accident involving serious injury up to and including death from an accident involving a commercial trucking vehicle bears direct relationship to proper recompense…….
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….Motorcycle and Bicycle accident are also very technical areas under the law in terms of pursuing a suit…….
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…..In today’s world we in the legal profession are seeing more injuries caused by chemical and toxic events…….
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….You may only bring suit against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State and Local Governments under the Political Sub Division Tort Claims Act…….
(610) 258-6625 831 Lehigh Street Easton, PA 18042
John R. Vivian Jr. Attorney
Practice Areas Overview