© 2019
LOCKER ROOM “Tri-County Umpire Group”
2019 Baseball Season is Over Our 2020 Meeting Dates will be posted soon.
APPEALS DROP THIRD STRIKE BATTING OUT OF ORDER INFIELD FLY BALK COMMON IN GAME CALLS INTERFERENCE OBSTRUCTION RULINGS RE-ENTRY RULE AND EXPLANATION RE-ENTRY RULE:  RE-ENTRY RULE Any of the nine starting players may withdraw and re-enter once, provided such player occupies the same batting position whenever he is in the line-up. A substitute who is withdrawn may not re-enter. The starting pitcher is governed by the provisions of Official Baseball Rule 3.05.  RE-ENTRY RULE (ALL DIVISIONS) - Any of the nine starting players may withdraw and re-enter once provided such player occupies the same batting position whenever he is in the line-up. A substitute who is withdrawn may not re-enter The pitcher is governed by the provisions of Official Baseball Rule 3.06 it withdrawn while on the mound pitching. The pitcher withdrawn while a batter or base runner may re-enter the game immediately. If the pitcher is removed from the game because of a second trip in the same inning he may re-enter the game in any position with the exception of pitcher.  RE-ENTRY OF USED PLAYER - Babe Ruth League, Inc. will allow re-entry of already used players if all substitutes have been used and an injury occurs. Selection of this substitute must be made by the opposing manager. This type of re-entry can only take place when an injury prevents a player from continuing in the game. The injured player, once removed from the game, cannot re-enter.  NOTE: If a player re-enters illegally as a pitcher, fielder, or runner, there is no penalty except he must be removed from the game immediately when discovered. If he re-enters illegally as a batter, such illegal re-entry is penalized according to Official Baseball Rule 6.07, Batting Out Of Order.  Listed below are interpretations of the above rule: "  This rule applies to both local league and tournament play. " 1.Each of the nine starting players may be withdrawn from the game and re-entered once. " 2.When re-entered the player must occupy the same batting position as he occupied when starting the game, i.e., a starting player and his substitute cannot be in the game at the same time. " 3.A pitcher withdrawn from the game may re?enter immediately if withdrawn while a batter or base runner, if he was one of the nine starting players. If withdrawn while he is on the mound pitching, his substitute must fulfill Official Baseball Rule 3.05(b) before he is permitted to re?enter the game. " 4.All other starting players may be withdrawn and re-entered immediately. " 5.A substitute withdrawn from the game can never re-enter the game. " 6.A substitute may replace a substitute and the starting player may still re-enter for the substitute, i.e., starting player Jones is replaced by substitute Smith; substitute Smith is replaced by substitute Clark. Starter Jones is eligible to replace Clark. " 7.A starting player withdrawn from the game more than once cannot re-enter " Withdrawal and re-entry takes place only when a player has been removed from the game. " 8.If the pitcher is removed from the game because of a second trip in the same inning, he may re-enter the game in any position with the exception of pitcher, if he was one of the nine starting players. "You're Gone!"  Here are some of the things players and coaches can do that will almost guarantee an ejection  1. THROW ITEMS. Tossing a bat or helmet violently in obvious disagreement with an umpire's decision should almost always result in an automatic ejection.  2. SWEARING. The lower the level of baseball, the less tolerant you should be about language.  3. ARGUE BALLS & STRIKES. If it's loud or obvious enough, it's automatic.  4. THREATEN. "I'll get you later" or similar threats should not be tolerated.  5. CONTACT. Bumping or pushing an umpire, even slightly, should result in an immediate ejection.  6. PERSONAL. Generally, at higher levels, a coach can disagree with your call and say it was "horse#&*!", but if he calls YOU "horse#&*!" he's gone.  7. INTEGRITY. Any time a player or coach insinuates you're cheating, it's showers for him.  8. QUALIFICATIONS. Implying you're nor qualified, during an argument, means the coach/player is done for the day.  9. OFF TOPIC. Let the coach argue about the call that just occurred, but if he tries to go back to another argument earlier on, stop him right there.  10. RULE BOOK. As soon as a coach crosses the foul line with a rule book in hand, intent to show you up, eject him.  11. DRAWING LINE. Upset with your strike call, the batter draws a line in the dirt where he thought the pitch was. You eject him.  12. WON'T LEAVE. Once you've told a coach/player the discussion is done and he still won't leave, he's looking for an ejection.  13. MOTHER. A catch-all guideline. Anytime a player says or does something to you that you wouldn't want your mother to see or hear, consider ejecting the offender. APPEAL INFORMATION  CAN THERE BE A SECOND APPEAL  YES!    7.10 Any runner shall be called out, on appeal, when-   7.10(d) He fails to touch home base and makes no attempt to return to that base, and home base is tagged. Any appeal under this rule must be made before the next pitch, or any play or attempted play. If the violation occurs during a play which ends a half inning, the appeal must be made before the defensive team leaves the field. An appeal is not to be interpreted as a play or an attempted play.  Successive appeals may not be made on a runner at the same base.  If the defensive team on its first appeal errs, a request for a second appeal on the same runner at the same base shall not be allowed by the umpire. (Intended meaning of the word "err" is that the defensive team in making an appeal threw the ball out of play. For example, if the pitcher threw to first base to appeal and threw the ball into the stands, no second appeal would be allowed.) Appeal plays may require an umpire to recognize an apparent "fourth out."   If the third out is made during a play in which an appeal play is sustained on another runner, the appeal play decision takes precedence in determining the out.  If there is more than one appeal during a play that ends a half inning, the defense may elect to take the out that gives it the advantage. For the purpose of this rule, the defensive team has "left the field" when the pitcher and all infielders have left fair territory on their way to the bench or clubhouse. If two runners arrive at home base about the same time and the first runner misses home plate but a second runner legally touches the plate, the runner is tagged out on his attempt to come back and touch the base or is called out, on appeal, then he shall be considered as having been put out before the second runner scored and being the third out. Second runner's run shall not count, as provided in Rule 7.12. If a pitcher balks when making an appeal, such act shall be a play. An appeal should be clearly intended as an appeal, either by a verbal request by the player or an act that unmistakably indicates an appeal to the umpire. A player, inadvertently stepping on the base with a ball in his hand, would not constitute an appeal. Time is not out when an appeal is being made. LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL STATEMENT ON NON-WOOD BATS    Little League Baseball has received numerous inquiries from its volunteers and media regarding the safety of non-wood bats.  Background  Recent innovations in metal alloys have allowed a reduction in the weight of some models of bats, while allowing the bats to remain in conformity with the length and diameter guidelines in the various divisions of Little League Baseball and Softball. Some volunteers and those in the media have raised questions about whether the weight of the bats used in Little League games should be limited, relative to the length.  Non-wood bats were first developed, partly through research by Little League, as a safer and more cost-effective alternative to wooden bats. Non-wood bats were first used in Little League in 1971, and have almost completely replaced wood bats in all divisions of play. Wood bats, which can break in half if not used properly, are now widely used only in professional baseball.  As a member of USA Baseball, the governing body for all amateur baseball in the U.S., Little League Baseball follows the recommendation of the USA Baseball Medical and Safety Advisory Committee. The position of the Advisory Committee is that further research and data needs to be collected before any changes are made to Little League rules regarding the weight of bats. There is currently no rule in any division of Little League Baseball or Softball that places a maximum or minimum limit on the weight of bats.  Statement  At present, injury data in all divisions of Little League Baseball and Softball shows there has been a 76 percent decrease in reported injuries to pitchers as a result of batted balls over the eight-season period beginning in 1992. Data on injuries to pitchers is being used because the pitching position is nearest the batter, and the pitcher is the least likely among all fielders to be fully prepared when the ball is hit.  During that same eight-year period, the number of injuries to other fielders as a result of batted balls has remained relatively constant or decreased. A summary of the data is attached, along with participation figures and the current bat specifications for each division.  In 1997 alone, nearly 60,000 children ages 5 to 14 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for in-line skating-related injuries, according to the National Safe Kids Campaign (NSKC). Among the same ages in the same year, more than 150,000 football injuries and 200,000 basketball injuries were treated, NSKC reported. That year, NKSC said, more than 125,000 baseball and softball injuries were treated in hospital emergency rooms nationwide. However, only 70 injuries in Little League Baseball and Softball activities, ages 5 to 18, were reported that year.  Annually, less than three-tenths of one percent of U.S. Little Leaguers are injured in games or practices to the point of requiring medical treatment. Injury data for Little League are obtained through analyzing medical claims on accident insurance provided by Little League though CNA Insurance. More than 95 percent of the chartered Little League programs in the U.S. are enrolled in the Little League Group Accident Insurance plan.  In conclusion, there appears to be no indication that would cause Little League to mandate a limit on the weight of bats, based on the most current facts. Statistics show that Little League’s record on safety continues to be outstanding not only among youth sports, but in baseball and softball in particular.  However, Little League Baseball will continue to monitor this situation closely, and will react accordingly and appropriately when indicated.  FACTS AND FIGURES  Total Reported Injuries to Pitchers (Batted Ball) in the U.S. by Age Group* 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Little Lg. Baseball (ages 5-12) 120 110 109 73 53 41 33 22 Jr., Sr., Big Lg. Baseball (13-18) 25 33 25 16 22 12 10 6 Baseball Totals 145 143 134 89 75 53 43 28  Little Lg. Softball (ages 5-12) 13 10 8 9 11 7 7 5 Jr., Sr., Big Lg. Softball (13-18) 5 11 11 7 7 10 5 5 Softball Totals 18 21 19 16 18 17 12 10 GRAND TOTALS 163 164 153 105 93 70 55 38  Participation Figures in Little League Baseball and Softball, U.S.* 1992 1999 Baseball 2,389,320 2,518,755 Softball 299,910 392,370 Totals 2,689,230 2,911,125  * Injury statistics are those reported as a result of claims filed by those leagues that have purchased group accident insurance offered through Little League Baseball. More than 95 percent of the local Little Leagues purchase group accident insurance through Little League Baseball, Incorporated.  Maximum Bat Length/Diameter Specifications in Little League Baseball/Softball Age Range Max length Max diameter Baseball 12 year olds and under 33 inches 2 1/4 inches Baseball 13-16 year olds 34 inches 2 3/4 inches Baseball 16-18 year olds 38 inches 2 3/4 inches Softball 12 year olds and under 33 inches 2 1/4 inches Softball 13 year olds and over 34 inches 2 1/4 inches  Pitching Distances Age Range Distance Baseball 12 year olds and under 46 feet Baseball 13 year olds and above 60 feet, 6 inches Baseball Junior League 13-15 year olds (optional) 54-foot Softball 12 year olds and below - Majors 40 feet Softball 12 year olds and below - Minors 35 feet Softball 3 year olds and above 40 feet
285 School Lane
Springfield, PA 19064
(610) 543-1323